Easy Cabbage Soup

Easy Cabbage Soup
Easy Cabbage Soup
Easy Cabbage Soup

Easy Cabbage Soup

Presenting a simple yet hearty cabbage soup perfect for those chilly winter days. With just a handful of ingredients and a preparation time of under an hour, this soup epitomizes the essence of simplicity.

Have you ever found yourself peering into your fridge, only to discover a solitary head of cabbage staring back at you? Cabbage has a remarkable resilience, often outlasting other vegetables. Even if your fridge is sparsely stocked with just cabbage, a few additional pantry staples are all you need to whip up this effortless, nourishing, and refreshing cabbage soup.

This cabbage soup recipe achieves the extraordinary feat of utilizing an entire head of cabbage in one delicious pot. Typically, when I purchase cabbage, it lasts me for weeks as I incorporate bits into various dishes—a slaw here, a salad there, perhaps some in a taco. Therefore, the first time I attempted this cabbage soup recipe, I was taken aback. Initially adding just half of my cabbage, I watched as it wilted and seamlessly melded into the soup alongside the aromatic vegetables and herbs. Not wanting it to vanish entirely—after all, I was crafting cabbage soup—I added more. Before I knew it, every last shred of cabbage had found its way into the pot!


  • 1 large cabbage
  • 2 small onions, diced
  • 2 cans of stewed tomatoes
  • 1 pouch of Lipton Onion Soup Mix (any flavor)
  • 1 large celery, finely chopped
  • Ground beef

How To Make Easy Cabbage Soup

Here’s how to prepare it:

  • Fill a large saucepan halfway with water and bring it to a boil.
  • Add the vegetables to the boiling water and bring it down to a simmer.
  • Meanwhile, cook 1-2 pounds of ground beef separately, ensuring to drain any excess fat.
  • Season the beef with your preferred spices and add the Lipton soup mix.
  • Once the vegetables are tender, add the cooked meat to the saucepan.
  • Let it simmer for a few more minutes to blend the flavors.

Taste and adjust seasoning to your preference. Enjoy! 😋

  • This soup is perfect for everyone, especially on rainy days!

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